Lawn Weed Control Broadleaf Weed Control
Jonathan Green Lawn Weed Control Broadleaf Weeds are tough, aggressive plants that pounce on any weak areas in your yard. Control them by using this product that provides broadleaf weed control for over 200 + common lawn weeds. Use anytime weeds are actively growing on cool or warm season grasses. Does not contain fertilizer. Delay seeding for four weeks after applying.
- Controls dandelion, clover, chickweed and more
- Covers 5,000 sq. ft.
- Will not harm the grass
- Ready to use
Dimensions : 17in. L x 13in. W x 3.5in. H
Material : Herbicide
Color : Orange bag with red lettering
- Controls dandelion, clover, chickweed and more
- Covers 5,000 sq. ft.
- Will not harm the grass
- Ready to use
Dimensions : 17in. L x 13in. W x 3.5in. H
Material : Herbicide
Color : Orange bag with red lettering